About Entertainment Inc!

Broadway Lights

June 12, 1985

Directed by Sandi Blikre

The annual spring choral and dance spectacular presentation is performed by the Entertainment, Inc! members.  Soloists, small groups, a chorus and dancers sing and dance to selections from a variety of Broadway musicals.


B. Michael Quale Mary Alice Oyloe Eunice Grove
Edith Fjelstad Jeannine Cote Sharon Tinninenko
Cathy Snyder Lynn Mendro Eloise Carter
Dorothy Olson Gary D. Bickel Vicki Finders
Oral Johnson Joe Mendro, Sr. Sharon Hoglund
Joe Mendro, Jr. Renee Kitsch Janelle Melgaard
Dennis Stromme Mary Kay Evanson Norma Oyen
Duane Severtsen Kathy Bartz Julie Larson
Dorothy Stockman Ted Lindseth Bonnie Black

Show Committees

Program Chairmen Mary Kay Evanson, Kathy Bartz
Programs Mary Kay Evanson, Kathy Bartz, Denice Heiser
Program Design Paula Haugen
Publicity Sharon Hoglund, Cheryl Sapp
Tickets Joe Mendro, Sr.
Set Design Mike Quale
Choreography Mike Quale
Sound Joe Mendro, Jr., Gene Levitt
Lights George Meisel, Mike Quale
Costumes Cathy Snyder, Oral Johnson, Mike Quale, Norma Oyen
Decorating Perfoming Group
Rehearsal Director Joe Mendro, Jr.